I had planned to write a post entitled 'Things you might not know about China', but haven't got round to it yet. In any case, I wanted to write about something you probably do know about China, but whose extent is difficult to measure outside China.
This Thursday marks the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Talking to students and other Chinese people here and also reading about it on the internet, it's clear that many Chinese do not know about Tiananmen, or certainly don't find out about until they go to university, for example.
Those of us who live here get used to websites being blocked from time to time. Many people use proxy servers (myself included). But apparently it all gets worse at certain times - the run up to potentially controversial events / anniversaries of such events. Now, in fact.
I tried to use hotmail earlier and the page wouldn't load. Didn't think anything of it until it loaded perfectly using a proxy server and then I read this article on the Times website: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6414510.ece
The government knows best...
Anyway, on a slightly lighter note, I managed to get pizza for my birthday - at Papa John's, in Changsha (see photo). Twice, actually. Yum.
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