Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday, bl**dy Monday

So, in response to my friend and former CELTA classmate, Paul, (see the link to his blog), this is what today was like:

8.30am - quick trip to the photocopying shop followed by a paper-cutting session in preparation for my classes.

First class at 9.50am. A relatively late start, but this is a speaking class for 145 mins! One of my smaller classes (averaging around 35 students). They're mostly keen and lots of fun but I know at least one student sneaked out during the break, so I must take the register at the end of class next week...

Lunch with the students in one of the many gourmet canteens on campus.

2.30pm my first year (freshman) speaking class for 90 minutes. They participate well (all 49 of them!), but I still trying to teach them the concept of 'volunteering'. One student invited me to visit his home town and one of the Vietnamese students has invited me round for dinner this weekend.

4.30pm - Chinese class. This time I am the student for a change. Try to look interested and participate, knowing how it feels to be the teacher. Can't help laughing (for the second week running) at the word 'qiche' [car] for its resemblance to the word 'quiche'. I know... I know...

Quick fast food dinner with Russ at the Western restaurant on campus. Two Chinese teachers arrive while we are there and one tells us about her recent trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, promoting the university.

7.30pm - last class of the day. This is an extra speaking class to prepare some students for the forthcoming university inspection. Only 20 students in this class, which soooooo good. We finish the lesson by miming various things, including 'I'm getting married', 'You've lost weight' and 'I'm hungry'. Much over-acting on my part and much giggling on the students' part.

Probably my busiest day, but I enjoyed all of it.


Anonymous said...

Not the usual two hours of work youh've become acustomed to in your life of carefully selcted jobs to allow maximum leisure time. Looks like there's plenty going on.


Anonymous said...

hey steph!!
happy halloween...not that you're probably dressing up over there. Have a great weekend. More updates please!

Love, Jess