Sunday, April 06, 2008

Only in Spain..?

Look at me: blogging like a crazy thing.


I went to the train station this morning to book a train ticket to Madrid. It's two weeks away, so I thought I was being reasonably organised, but not excessively so. The guy in the ticket office started tapping away on his computer and then told me I could buy the outward ticket, but not the return. Grrr!!! Why? He said something about 15 days before, so I thought I'd left it too late and they were all sold out. Not so. Turns out you can only buy tickets 15 days in advance and I was just way too keen. Me and my Britishness...

Then this afternoon as I was on the homeward stretch of my run, I saw a man and a boy on a horse. On the street. As you do. The horse was really quite beautiful and high-stepping, with its head neatly bent over in a dressage-type way.

On a slightly different note, I think some people have set up a church in one of the nearby apartments. I keep hearing lots of singing in a worship kind of a style. I wonder...

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