Sunday, February 11, 2007

Perils of life in the Middle Kingdom

I know, I know... I've written before (at least once) about the hazards of being a cyclist here, but sometimes problems come from rather unexpected sources. Yesterday, I was on my way home, using the cycle (for 'cycle' read cycle / pedestrian / moped / though not usually horse) lane when I saw ahead of me what looked like a wet patch. A woman was tipping washing-up liquid on it and a man was also tipping boiling water on it. He shouted 'be careful!' at me (amongst other things which I couldn't understand) and waved his arms about. I wasn't sure what to do? Should I stop? Was is something toxic?!! So I stopped and put my foot down right in the middle of it. Good move, Steph.

Turns out it was oil and so I spent the rest of the journey home trying to maintain my dignity while my left foot repeatedly slid off the pedal. Not ideal.

Another thing... many lights here, particularly in apartment building stairwells are sound-activated. A clap of the hands will usually do the trick, though stamping your foot sometimes works better. All well and good until you trying doing that in your own home (no sound-activated lights there) or, even worse, outdoors when it's dark.

'To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.' Bertrand Russell


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should rename your blog - the comodey of errors. And maybe if yu filmed yourself performing mad acts you could pu them on you tube for the massess to have a laugh at uor expense.


Anonymous said...

thought I'd put on a few random comments to make you feel loved.


Anonymous said...

this another just to make you feel special - it is valantines day after all but I imagine you got even more cards, suprises and pressies than me and your probably to busy being wined and dinned to update your blog......


Anonymous said...

Have you seen that your personal profile has had 84 views. Pretty impressive - maybe you should put a picture on it of you walking into something to make it a bit more interesting for all those inquisative people.