Swine flu has arrived at Pingxiang College. We got a phone call at lunchtime last Wednesday to tell us that lessons had been cancelled for a week, due to an outbreak of swine flu on campus! Yippee. Rick was at the time in the middle of a bad cold, so our boss was a bit anxious (phoning every day for an update on his condition, offering trips to the hospital, drips, swine flu vaccinations etc.), but we seem to be OK so far.
So, we're mostly enjoying being lazy. We had planned to go away on a motorbike trip, but it's really a bit cold for that at the moment. And it's not sunny either. We set off this morning for a short trip and were back in PX two hours later, freezing! Still, it was good to get out in the fresh air. We saw an old broken-down building (see photo), lots of cold people and a few dogs.
At PXC they're continuing to demolish a small hill on campus, to make way for some building or other - not sure what (see photos). I had to try and compete last Tuesday (when I was teaching) with a 'pecker' - one of those attachments they put on diggers to chip away at rock and / or concrete. I thought my voice was going to go. I did of course get the students to shut all the windows, but they don't fit very well and double glazing... what's that? I remember trying to explain it to my students once. Don't think there's much of it round here.
As for adventures... not much of those lately! I've been working on my MA, planning my assignment and doing some reading. I've also been preparing for my trip home in January - yippee! And, I've been trying to sort out more photos so that I can finally post about the summer trip.
Watch this space...