Ni hao! The weather continues to get better, although it's cloudy today. This week I have mostly been: 1. Clambering over rocks in the Montagne Noire and celebrating someone's b'day in true French style with red wine at lunchtime. 2. Running lots - 2 hours this morning. Nearly got chased by dogs. Twice. And called in at a contemporary art exhibition during the run. As you do. 3. Got stuck in Beziers behind a guy who ran out of petrol in the middle of the road, stopped, got out, ran round to the boot of his car and took out a jerry can and proceeding to fill up his tank!!! Haha. Another first. 4. Trying to get a six year old ready for school on time - he has NO sense of urgency! 5. Getting ready to say goodbye to the college / lycee assistants who have now finished their contracts. Will miss it here if and when I go to China, but I guess it will still be all here when I get back...